Saturday, July 28, 2007


Spoiler alert: If you haven't finished "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," you may not want to read any further.

It was widely reported that the last word of the final Harry Potter book was "scar" and for years Rowling said that was true.

In the epilogue, which is set19 years after the defeat of Voldemort, Rowling paints a picture of Harry standing on platform 9 3/4, his nearest and dearest surrounding him. In her original draft, the last line was “Only those who he loved could see the lightening scar,’” ….or “something like” that, she told Meredith Vieira in an exclusive interview.

Ultimately, Rowling felt that line was too ambiguous, begging the question about whether the scar was still there or not. She said wanted a more concrete statement that Harry had won; Voldemort had been defeated. The scar was still there, but now it was only a scar.

“I wanted to say it’s over. It’s done.”

Rowling changed the last line to: “All was well.”

“That felt right,” she said.

More from Meredith Vieira's interview with J.K. Rowling:

Rowling's big regret: Never told mom about Harry
Finished 'Potter'? Rowling tells what happens next
Stop your sobbing! More Potter to come
Rowling's mind games with Daniel Radcliffe
Rowling brings Meredith Vieira to tears
Full Harry Potter coverage

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