Spears must prove she’s a fit mother to keep her kids
Britney Spears gets to keep her kids, Sean Preston, 2, and Jayden James, 1, but she’s got to jump through some hoops to keep them.
Court documents released today from Monday’s hearing reveal a host of rules Spears and ex-husband Kevin Federline must follow.
Here are the facts in a nutshell:
All hearings will continue as closed hearings.
"Each party is ordered to serve and file an Income and Expense Declaration... within ten days of this date."
Attorneys for Spears and Federline have been "unsuccessful" in agreeing on a Child Custody Evaluator. Federline's attorney submitted a list of potential evaluators and now Spears' attorney has 24 hours to come up with three of her own, and the Court will now decide.
”The Court declines to modify the existing custodial timeshare.”
Neither party can take the kids out of the state, without prior written consent of the other parent or prior order of the Court.
If they do take the kids out of state, they have to provide a full itinerary of the trip complete with addresses, phone number and travel arrangements.
"Each party is restrained from making derogatory remarks about the other party and the other party's family or significant other, either directly or indirectly to the minor children, and from allowing anyone else to do so. This includes any person employed by the parties."
Both Spears and Federline are ordered to complete a "PARENTING WITHOUT CONFLICT" program and verify their completion of said course to the Court.
"Each party is restrained from using corporal punishment with the minor children and from allowing anyone else to do so."
Spears and Federline are both ordered "to engage in joint co-parenting counseling", which they'll split the cost of. If they can't agree on a therapist for this, the Court will assign them one.
"Neither party shall consume alcohol, or other non-prescription controlled substance" within 12 hrs of having custody of the kids.
Spears and Federline need to alert one another within 48 hours if they change the status of their employees who handle the kids; they have 24 hours to report any NEW hires.
Any employee on either side who has charge of the kids must hold a valid certification in Red Cross Infant and Child CPR and Basic First Aid.
Spears is ordered to meet with a parenting coach at least eight hours a week, who will observe her interacting with the kids and evaluate her skills.
The parenting coach will file a written progress report on Oct. 22 and appear in court Nov. 26.
Spears is ordered to undergo random drug and alcohol testing twice a week. "Based on the Evidence presented, the Court finds that there is a habitual, frequent and continuous use of controlled substances and alcohol by the Petitioner (Spears)."
The results of this testing will go directly to the Court and WILL NOT be released.
The next court date is Nov. 26 at 8:30 a.m.
"What the El" Editorial:
It is quite obvious from all of these stipulations by the court that the judge suspects she’s not a fit mother but there's not enough evidence to do something drastic like take the kids away.
This is a “give her enough rope to hang herself” situation.
She screws up even in the tiniest way, and those kids are going to live with K-Fed.
I’m glad she and Kevin have to take parenting classes!
I’m sad that she’s probably “on something” but maybe forcing her to undergo drug testing will clear her head enough to see that she’s completely screwing up her life and her career!

Court documents released today from Monday’s hearing reveal a host of rules Spears and ex-husband Kevin Federline must follow.
Here are the facts in a nutshell:
All hearings will continue as closed hearings.
"Each party is ordered to serve and file an Income and Expense Declaration... within ten days of this date."
Attorneys for Spears and Federline have been "unsuccessful" in agreeing on a Child Custody Evaluator. Federline's attorney submitted a list of potential evaluators and now Spears' attorney has 24 hours to come up with three of her own, and the Court will now decide.
”The Court declines to modify the existing custodial timeshare.”
Neither party can take the kids out of the state, without prior written consent of the other parent or prior order of the Court.
If they do take the kids out of state, they have to provide a full itinerary of the trip complete with addresses, phone number and travel arrangements.
"Each party is restrained from making derogatory remarks about the other party and the other party's family or significant other, either directly or indirectly to the minor children, and from allowing anyone else to do so. This includes any person employed by the parties."
Both Spears and Federline are ordered to complete a "PARENTING WITHOUT CONFLICT" program and verify their completion of said course to the Court.
"Each party is restrained from using corporal punishment with the minor children and from allowing anyone else to do so."
Spears and Federline are both ordered "to engage in joint co-parenting counseling", which they'll split the cost of. If they can't agree on a therapist for this, the Court will assign them one.
"Neither party shall consume alcohol, or other non-prescription controlled substance" within 12 hrs of having custody of the kids.
Spears and Federline need to alert one another within 48 hours if they change the status of their employees who handle the kids; they have 24 hours to report any NEW hires.
Any employee on either side who has charge of the kids must hold a valid certification in Red Cross Infant and Child CPR and Basic First Aid.
Spears is ordered to meet with a parenting coach at least eight hours a week, who will observe her interacting with the kids and evaluate her skills.
The parenting coach will file a written progress report on Oct. 22 and appear in court Nov. 26.
Spears is ordered to undergo random drug and alcohol testing twice a week. "Based on the Evidence presented, the Court finds that there is a habitual, frequent and continuous use of controlled substances and alcohol by the Petitioner (Spears)."
The results of this testing will go directly to the Court and WILL NOT be released.
The next court date is Nov. 26 at 8:30 a.m.
"What the El" Editorial:
It is quite obvious from all of these stipulations by the court that the judge suspects she’s not a fit mother but there's not enough evidence to do something drastic like take the kids away.
This is a “give her enough rope to hang herself” situation.
She screws up even in the tiniest way, and those kids are going to live with K-Fed.
I’m glad she and Kevin have to take parenting classes!
I’m sad that she’s probably “on something” but maybe forcing her to undergo drug testing will clear her head enough to see that she’s completely screwing up her life and her career!
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